A three to five minute per class comprehensive and systematic rhythm study curriculum.
mission statements

- To improve teaching techniques to enhance young musicians performance
in counting and the correct identification rhythms.
It is my belief that by the end of beginning
instrumental students' 8th grade year, he or she should be able to read
rhythms at a Grade V or VI level. I have seen results with the "Rhythm
Masters" system, where students have come very close to achieving this
level of success. This does not mean that, in most cases, young
musicians will have developed the technical proficiency to perform Grade
V & VI concert literature going in as a high school freshman, but will
have the necessary counting fundamentals to read any rhythms encountered
solidly in place. By sharing experiences and discoveries in this area
with other band directors and educators, this site will act as a
clearinghouse for such ideas and allow us collectively to take our
students closer to that ultimate goal.
- To discuss upcoming "accountability standards" band directors may be
held for on a state to state basis.
To come up with our own recommendations for accurate and efficient
individual assessment techniques that will enhance the overall
performance level of our ensembles. To suggest and prioritize target
evaluation areas to minimize instructional time loss in this endeavor if
it is necessary, and yet will allow us as educators to maintain high
performance standards in our present music programs. Many band directors
already use some form of individual assessment in
determining grades for their students. Others' use more of a
"participation" grade approach. Both are great and suit our own
individual situations and settings. If you use an individual assessment
approach to evaluate your students, "Rhythm Masters" may have some
valuable teaching tools that will aid you from both an instructional and
evaluation standpoint. If, we are forced into some form of
accountability assessment in our music programs, I would rather seasoned
music educators come up with the appropriate tools and rubrics. I also
feel it is important to devise an evaluation system that is performance
oriented on a student's instrument, not some "bubble in" examination
where tremendous amount of instructional time will be lost "teaching to
the test". If we start now, we should have a fairly extensive
information bank to draw upon that can be effectively used in our
curriculums, or presented to our State Departments of Education if
- And finally, to come up with a consensus on "performance standards
demonstrated" and "mastery levels" for our students, as well as
objective evaluation criteria and techniques for band directors, at
both a state and national level.